Runners cross Tower Bridge at the TCS London Marathon

Run for charity

How to run the TCS London Marathon for charity

The TCS London Marathon is the largest annual fundraising event on the planet – since it began in 1981, participants have raised more than £1 billion for good causes. If you’d like to add to this amazing figure by running the TCS London Marathon for charity, here’s all the information you need to get started.

Why run for charity?

There are lots of great reasons to run the TCS London Marathon for charity. For a start, it can give you a greater sense of purpose as you work through your training, especially if you're fundraising for a charity that's close to your heart.

Your options

Whether you're looking for a place in the TCS London Marathon or already have one, you can apply to run for charity and complete the iconic 26.2 mile course for a good cause. Click on the options below to see the charities that would love your support, depending on your entry type.

A group of participants at the TCS London Marathon

US charity places

If you're based in the US, check out our list of US charities with places in the TCS London Marathon – they'd love your support and could be your ticket to that famous Start Line!

How your charity will support you

Running the TCS London Marathon for charity is a two-way street. In return for your fundraising efforts, charities offer lots of guidance before, during and after the event, with a complete support package – this varies from charity to charity, but could include: 

  • Regular newsletters and charity updates
  • Expert training plans and a fundraising pack
  • More tailored email support from running experts
  • Vest or T-shirt to wear on Marathon Day
  • Participant’s goody bag
  • Support from local charity representatives
  • Information about online fundraising
  • Forum to chat with other runners online
  • Pre-event ‘carbohydrate party’ so you can build up your energy stores
  • Cheer points on the marathon route where supporters will make lots of noise!
  • Post-event reception, often with free massages, showers, hot food and drink
TCS runner in fancy dress

Fundraising tips

Check out our top tips on how to maximise the amount of money you raise for your charity  they might prove particularly useful if you’ve agreed to raise a certain amount. Together we’ll smash your target!

    • Need a place?

      Search our charity listings for a cause that you’re interested in and get in touch

    • Fundraising tips

      Raise more money for charity with our top fundraising tips

    • I have a ballot place

      Got a place in the ballot? Why not run for a cause close to your heart?

    • Need a place?

      Search our charity listings for a cause that you’re interested in and get in touch

    • Fundraising tips

      Raise more money for charity with our top fundraising tips

    • I have a ballot place

      Got a place in the ballot? Why not run for a cause close to your heart?

    • Need a place?

      Search our charity listings for a cause that you’re interested in and get in touch

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